
| E mail: W itnessDesk@ Wa Page 1 of 115 Release Date: 13 th June 2009 Innocent Tamil Civilians injured by Sri Lankan Armed Forces and admitted at Trincomalee & Mannar Hospital Wa r Witho ut Witness Re port Annex 02 Innocent Tamil Civilians injured by Sri Lankan Armed Forces and admitted at Trincomalee & Mannar Hospital Since 10 February 2009 the ICRC has transported thousands of injured tamil civilians and their relatives from so called "safety-zone" for medical treatment in more than 30 shipments. A full list of the first 10 shipments (upto 14th March 2009) who has b een directly admitted to Trincomalee Hospital, has been made available to War Without Witness and it is provided below in this report. (Not a Full List – Only 10 ships) This report also contains list of patients admitted in Mannar Hospital. The balance 20 ICRC ships arrived after 14 March 2009 has been first treated at a military hospital manned by Indian Doctors & Sri Lankan Military Intelligence Officials in Pulmoddai and the details are not available to Human Rights Activists.

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Su país está amenazado y necesitan de nuevo a Ethan Hunt. Lo que le espera para llevar a cabo su misión no será fácil: persecuciones, armamento de gran calibre, mucha tensión y el peligro acechando en cada esquina, contra todo eso deberá enfrentarse el experimentado agente de campo para poner a salvo los secretos de su país. Sin saber en quién puede confiar, deberá valerse de su propio instinto para sortear las tramas y ver quién está detras de todo. su objetivo será desenmascarar a los responsables de infundir el miedo y salvaguardar la seguridad nacional de su patria, aunque ello suponga encontrarse constantemente en situaciones que requieran de toda su experiencia para sobrevivir. En esta nueva entrega conoceremos más a fondo a este personaje carismático y pintoresco, que tiene una elegancia innata para salir airoso de cualquier situación, por imposible que parezca.

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Unlike our friends in Star City, this team stays together. Team Speedy Arrowcast is back for another season! We have plenty of important topics for discussion in this opener, including things you maybe shouldn't do as mayor, the return of a murderous Oliver, "deathbed" promises, and curious choices about statues. To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: Arrow • October 7, 2016 55 minutes Dan Moren with Guy English and John Moltz

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