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The structure of the checkpoint directory is:. /logs/ + (name that matches the `exp_name` in the yaml file, e. g., `CelebA_64x64_N2M2S32`) | +---ckpt/ | | +--- (place the downloaded checkpoint files here) | +---images/ | +---(event logs) | + |.. Some Tuning Tricks While Training on Custom Datasets (In cases you received NaN exceptions after running with the default hyperparameters) As you have seen, the adversarial loss values are quite magnificent in COCO-GAN training (from 1e4 to 1e8, depending on the complexity of the images in the dataset). The training is sometimes unstable. And gradient penalty plays an important role in stabilizing the training. And yes, you may need to tune the gradient penalty strength a bit if there are evidences of training instability, for instance, NaNs LOL. In order to determine the appropriate gradient penalty strength, please open the tensorboard and look into your previous training logs. Go to histogram and open the gp_slopes pane.

Sin senos no hay paraiso full cast

Saroléa was an historic Belgian manufacturer, initially of bicycles from 1892 followed by motorcycles, ending production in 1963. The name was acquired and used by a new business from 2008. [1] Manufacturing to 1963 [ edit] Saroléa was the first Belgian producer of motorcycles, and one of the first producers of motorcycles in the world. This Belgian factory was established in 1850 as a weapons factory by Joseph Saroléa. In 1892 bicycle production started. Joseph died in 1894 and under the management of his sons the company grew larger. In the 1920s, the firm became successfully involved with long distance runs, reliability trials and hill climbs. From 1927 on, the company made its own gearboxes and early in 1929 the factory was extended to some 6000m 2. Nearly all components of the bikes were made in-house now and the production capacity grew to 50 machines per day. Later in 1929 a brand new state-of the-art production facility was commissioned which brought the production capacity to 75 machines per day.


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Le biografie e i documenti relativi a quegli anni non hanno aiutato a fare luce su ciò che davvero accadde a una delle stelle più luminose del firmamento jazz. Così, con molta fantasia, … leggi tutto 1 recensioni sufficienti 2017 Nel mese di marzo questo film ha ricevuto 3 voti 1 apr 2017 vedi tutti Nel mese di dicembre questo film ha ricevuto 4 voti 1 gen 2017 2016 Recensione Il Cinema del 2015 ha curiosamente omaggiato due grandi trombettisti jazz, con "Born To Be Blue", di Robert Budreau, per Chet Baker e questo "Miles Ahead" per Miles Davis, che è stato molto più di un semplice musicista jazz. A differenza del film di Budreau, buono ma piuttosto prevedibile e patinato, qui, Don Cheadle, al suo esordio come regista, realizza una pellicola decisamente… leggi tutto Tra il 1975 e il 1980 il grandissimo trombettista Miles Davis (Cheadle) si eclissò dalle scene: niente dischi, niente concerti, dopo quasi tre decenni di attività intensissima. Così, con molta fantasia, … 19 giu 2016 XII BIOGRAFILM FESTIVAL – «Se devi raccontare una storia, mettici un po' di spirito» dice, con la voce roca e vagamente alcolica, protetto da un paio di occhiali scuri, Miles Davis, agitando tra le mani una sigaretta.

"What else have we forgotten? " he screams. "We have forgotten to masturbate! To use contraception! To get abortions! " This ends up being a fever dream, of course. Lenny, it seems, has deep reservoirs of liberal philosophy in his subconscious, but his primary goal will be to crush those ideals to dust, both within himself and in the hearts of his 1 billion followers. In the pilot episode, the identity of Lenny's immediate predecessor isn't revealed — but Pope Francis, who's been excoriated by the right, wouldn't be a bad guess. And so Lenny pivots hard, and this zesty opening hour establishes him as all the things we've come to expect in a 2017 world leader. He's thin-skinned, intolerant of criticism, cruel towards the disabled and women (especially ones he doesn't consider attractive), and pumped up by his own wealth and privilege. Doesn't sound like anyone we know. Audiences that choose to take the ride in this careening Popemobile should know many, many Catholics get the joke. The pilot scored yuge ratings when it premiered last fall in Italy.

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Episode #2. 11 14. Episode #2. 4 9. 4 / 10 15. Episode #2. 3 16. Episode #2. 4 17. Episode #2. 5 18. Episode #2. 6 Abbas goes to prison. While paying a heavy price for what he did to Zümrüt, the anger that builds up inside him makes it much more dangerous. From now on he will not leave Zümrüt and Serhat... See full summary » 19. Episode #2. 7 Abbas is ready to do anything to separate Zümrüt and Serhat. However, he pays the price of all he has done by not being able to see his newborn son. Serhat speeds up the procedures to get a... See full summary » 20. Episode #2. 8 When Abbas realizes that he will face Serhat's wrath, he decides to run away. While Abbas thinks he is protecting himself, he is unaware that he is about to lose his greatest ally, Azimet.... See full summary » Gökçe Eyüboglu 21. Episode #2. 9 Zümrüt and Serhat's decision to get married causes Azimet to act without thinking about the end. Serhat and Azimet come to a breaking point. Serhat and Zümrüt eventually get married,... See full summary » 22.