
As soon as Usman Usman reaches the place where the already existing Sauchi is waiting for him. Meanwhile, the two brothers get into an argument and it is time for a fight. At the same time, Ertugrul arrives and orders' Usman to return to the tribe. As soon as Sauchi arrives at Gigato's hideout, Gigato's soldiers harass Sauchi, which leads to a small fight. But Sauchi says that I am Sauchi, the son of Ertugrul Ghazi. I came here as a messenger. As soon as Gigato hears, he tells the soldiers to kill him, to which Sauchi insists, "I'll tell you where your son is. " At which Gigato stops the soldiers and takes them to his tent. On his return from the treaty, Dundar tells Ertugrul that Nicola knows that Gigato is on his way and that he has spies around him. Gigato asks, "Where is my son? " "You'll know when I bring it to you. Gigato silences Jerkotai listens to Sauchi and asks who wants to kill him. To which Sauchi says that these are the people who cannot fight you in Konya. They want to kill you out of Konya.

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Niet veel later verdrinkt Griek bij een auto-ongeval, waarbij zijn auto te water raakt. In de film bereidt Hazes zich ook voor op het afscheidsconcert in ArenA, maar zijn alcohol- (voornamelijk Heineken) en sigarettenverslaving (voornamelijk Camel), gedeeltelijke doofheid en diabetes zorgen ervoor dat dit geen simpele taak zal worden. Enige tijd voor zijn afscheidsconcert heeft hij een optreden moeten afbreken omdat deze verslavingen en doofheid de overhand namen. De gezondheid van Hazes gaat sterk achteruit. Op 21 september 2004, terwijl hij droomt van zijn afscheidsconcert dat op 27 september zou plaatsvinden, raakt hij in coma en sterft twee dagen later. Zijn afscheidsconcert gaat door en wordt daardoor een huldiging.

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Buck utilizó el diente como un arma a partir de aquel momento, y Rudy apareció en los sueños y pensamientos de Buck de forma contínua. Se ha demostrado que Rudy le guarda rencor por romperle uno de sus dientes, de hecho, en gran medida desprecia a Buck. Rudy localizó a nuestros amigos mamíferos y pretendía devorarlos, pero su plan fue frustrado por Buck quien lo ató al suelo para ganar tiempo. Rudy se soltó y casi ataca al grupo, pero fue detenido por Mamá Dinosaurio, una hembra de Tyrannosaurus Rex, quien lo empujó hasta que se cayó a un acantilado cercano. Buck estaba angustiado por la desaparición de Rudy, pero lo aceptó y dejó el mundo de los dinosaurios para ir a vivir con todos al mundo superior. Pero justo antes de entrar a dicho mundo, se oyó un rugido familiar: Rudy había sobrevivido. Buck volvió al mundo de los dinosaurios y pasó su tiempo luchando contra Rudy. Buck y Rudy Curiosidad · A pesar de su gran rivalidad, se nota que tanto Buck como Rudy no podrían vivir el uno sin el otro.

49, 591 9 /9 400 92 6105 It takes time before Thor accepts his place at Hela's side. 913 37 979 For hundreds of years, Loki had known his purpose, had known why his father claimed him - to marry the heir to the throne of Asgard, Hela Odinsdottir. Small of stature but strong in seiðr, Laufey knew no normal giant could marry Odin's Executioner - but a runt with strong magic might tempt them, with the promise of stronger offspring and a means of keeping Jotunheim at heel. It was far from his desire, but he prepared to face the prospect of this union, hoping to turn it to his favor. When the day actually arrived, it was the work of only a few moments for his future to fall to pieces. 5, 746 2 /? 184 19 2858 "你不是阿斯嘉德的雷神,你本该是,也将是九界的王后。" 1, 509 10 1377 他就像是太阳,就像是灯塔,是这混沌世界中唯一的光芒。 吸引着他们这些肮脏的恶魔想要去占据他。 2, 713 14 675 "I think we might have been quite a force, " she said finally, "had our father not become a revisionist. Death and the our little trickster between us. " 4, 694 123 11 4228 1, 312 1990 Sex, fear, and the secret space where the illicit and intimate meet.