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He's feeling not so great, needs a win, etc. Well. You know what that means. He's going to get a win, in the form of the return of Castiel. As they are driving back, they get the fateful call from their faithful friend, back from the big empty. Bum bum bum bum! Random Thoughts: - How much bacon do you think Jensen had to eat in that scene near the beginning when Dean was hungover? My goodness he was just stuffing his mouth with that bacon! - I liked Sam's last line that they wouldn't talk about what happened if they didn't talk about it right then. So true, ha. - Dean was just about to ask Billie if she knew anything about his mom, but he was sent to the land of the living a tiny moment too soon. Would Billie even know? She doesn't know much about the parallel dimensions, so who knows. Probably she wouldn't have known either way, but it leaves Dean hanging regardless. - Is it just me, or does Dean tend to get these more emotional stories? Is it just because Sam is better adjusted overall and doesn't brood in general as much?

Me personally I love the chopping and prep that goes into the marinade or rub. I just feel like people pretend to enjoy these bbq sauces more than they actually do. Good crispy or just well cooked wings I've had ruined by an excessive amount of buffalo sauce that just didn't even make sense. I worked in a restaurant where the chef was from Costa Rica. Every time the pulled pork was done he'd call me over and save some pieces for us to snack on. He knew, that pulled pork tasted 10x better when it was done before he had to dump some bbq sauce all over it. Thank you all sincerely for takin the time reading my long confusing rant and I greatly appreciate all of yours time. Take care y'all.

È ancora una serie di libri di successo a fornire l'ispirazione per un film hollywoodiano ad alto budget con speranze di sequel. Si tratta di "The spook's apprentice" di Joseph Delaney, pesantemente rielaborato nella sceneggiatura per lo schermo ideata da Matt Greenberg e scritta da Charles Leavitt con Steve Knight. La formazione del giovane apprendista alle arti magiche e guerriere della stirpe di cacciatori di streghe è poco formativa e molto oppositiva. Invece che ricalcare la struttura da Harry Potter (nel libro Tom ha 12 anni e alla fine dell'avventura riprende il suo apprendistato) viene scelto il modello di "Romeo e Giulietta", ovvero avere due fazioni in lotta i cui ultimi rappresentanti vogliono mettere da parte le proprie differenze in nome dell'amore, con somma ira dei mentori. Sergey Bodrov, già regista di Mongol, ha però una mano molto pesante e una fantasia molto più piegata sull'azione che sul sentimento, esegue il compito ma sembra non avere il minimo interesse nei momenti che potrebbero rendere sensata la sceneggiatura affidatagli.

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