
You can enable displaying Album Art (see the Help page in the player on how to do that) It can be loaded from image files, or from audio file tags The image files can be automatically downloaded from various web services Network features! Streaming radio support for selected formats and transports Most popular formats are supported, such as MP3, OGG, AAC, WMA Shoutcast/Icecast and MMS protocols are supported out of the box Quickly convert your music to a format that you need DeaDBeeF comes with advanced Converter plugin, which allows to transcode files to other formats Especially useful for transferring music to mobile devices on most modern platforms You can even preprocess the files before converting -- for example, downsample to lower rate, or apply Equalizer. Title formatting is available for naming the files Folder structure may be preserved optionally

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Painful reunion? Sixth months have passed since the end of the first season. Since then, Carrie has undergone intense psychological therapy and Brody has committed himself in a run for political office. It's unlikely their relationship will kick off with anything less than a bang. Revelations? It seems clear Carrie has forgotten some of the … Top 10 list:Current cable dramas I started a top 10 list for best current cable drama over at the wikia entertainment hub: Top 10 list: Current cable dramas Game of Thrones is leading the voting at the time of writing with my single solitary vote but any of you discerning viewers who have an opinion are more than welcome to join in. I have illustrated the list with up to date poster art for all of the series I included so I think it makes for an interesting scroll through too. --Opark 77 (talk) 12:28, September 8, 2012 (UTC) Does Carrie Have Feelings for Brody? The past few episodes of Homeland have shown the relationship between Carrie Mathison and Nick Brody evolving.

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