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It`s not meant to be scary, it`s meant to be taken seriously as an adaptation. The only thing wrong with this film is the fact they chose to use CGI in a few scenes. Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2020 Verified Purchase I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. Sophia Lillis is proving to be a great actor. I thought the story, though familiar, had enough little twists and custom nuances that it stayed interesting. The pacing in my opinion is just right. There isn't an excessive amount of blood, gore, or violence. Very good movie, great entry into the horror genre. A purchase I don't regret. Reviewed in the United States on April 11, 2020 Verified Purchase The movie was amazing! I loved the story and how it evolved. The acting was brilliant and it was casted very well. The darkness and detail in the cinematography I felt was an art form within itself. Two thumbs up! Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2020 Verified Purchase i expected so much more..... i appreciate the storyline but it was slow and disappointing.....

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Learn more More Like This Thriller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. 3 / 10 X A psychological survival thriller based in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Getting away from it all has never been so dangerous. Director: Kevin Forrest Stars: Jeffrey Arrington, Michael Draper, Dennis Fitzpatrick Comedy 6. 8 / 10 The true story of Sports' Greatest Underdog. Steve M Kelly Brenock O'Connor, Jamie Foreman, Alan Davies Drama | Fantasy Horror 4. 8 / 10 Alex and Selma are a couple in love on a trip to the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina to discover more about each other. Lost and seemingly surrounded by land mines a pair of locals offer to guide them home. Yayo Herrero August Wittgenstein, Alma Terzic, Aleksandar Seksan Action Crime 5. 9 / 10 United States of Europe is established 2020. Back from war in the Middle East, amnesiac Ulysses goes thru a lot in Taurus City, a dictatorship, looking for his wife, Penelope. Federico Alotto Danny Glover, Udo Kier, Anamaria Marinca Celebrated fiction writer and former priest, Colin Hampstead, and his wife, Kayleigh, are tormented by the ghost of her late sister, as the details of her grisly death are slowly uncovered.

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La risposta di David scatena la loro ferocia, che dà vita a un lungo assedio del cottage, in un crescendo di violenza che innesca la reazione di David: l'uomo, stanco dei soprusi subiti, vince la propria indole pacifica e difende la propria casa, eliminando a uno a uno tutti gli assalitori in un bagno di sangue. Riprese [ modifica | modifica wikitesto] Ambientato in Gran Bretagna, il film è stato girato a St. Buryan e Morvah, in Cornovaglia. Analisi e tematiche [ modifica | modifica wikitesto] La violenza diventa la vera protagonista di tutta la vicenda, man mano che si assiste al mutamento del "cane di paglia" in un essere aggressivo e veemente. La tesi del film è, dunque, che nessuno è un "cane di paglia" e non esistono al mondo persone che accettano passivamente il proprio destino senza mai reagire alle ingiustizie ed ai piccoli soprusi che subiscono quotidianamente [2] mentre è invece insito nella natura umana l'istinto di autodifesa, che può emergere nel modo più brutale possibile, spingendoci a chiederci se in realtà la società non sia ancora silenziosamente governata dalle leggi tribali.

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Voir la vidéo La télé de Valérie Lemercier - 31 juillet La Télé de Lemercier (C8): quand Valérie Lermercier danse sur Rabbi jacob aux César 2007! La télé de Lemercier Résumé du programme De ses débuts dans la minisérie drôle « Palace » à la présentation des César en passant par ses collaborations avec Les Nuls ou Kad et O, les apparitions de Valérie Lemercier à la télévision sont devenues cultes. Avec un humour en total décalage avec l'image qu'elle renvoie, la comique, actrice, scénariste et réalisatrice a su imposer sa patte. Retour sur ses meilleures séquences télévisées avec en arrière-plan les commentaires de ses proches et amis: Danièle Thompson, Marc-Olivier Fogiel, Didier Bénureau, Bertrand Burgalat, Thomas Sotto, François Rollin, Patrick Timsit, Pierre Lescure ou Kad Merad. Les avis des téléspectateurs Avez-vous déjà vu ce programme? Donnez votre avis! Décevant Assez bon Bon Très bon A ne pas manquer La dernière actu du programme Casting principal Aurélien Combelles Réalisateur