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Fabricar ídolos o destruirlos, sin analizar y precisar, es pura propaganda política. Los estamentos privilegiados, en su día, ensalzaron la figura de Carlos III por ser un buen padre para sus vasallos. El mito del monarca progresista lo creó un francés (Jean Sarrailh) y se lo apropió la reciente historiografía sin profundizar mucho en lo que consiste realmente la Ilustración europea. Más inadecuado, si se quiere, es el tratamiento que hacen los historiadores regionalistas de los ministros de ese rey: Campomanes y Floridablanca, que fueron los que gobernaron, y que se calificaron a sí mismos de "ilustrados", uno por liberalizar el mercado, y el otro por planear obras públicas. Desde luego, ninguno de ellos se apartó de los principios de la monarquía absoluta, defendiendo a la nobleza y al clero como los pilares de sistema. Relacionadas

It's also significant to notice that Raphtalia isn't included in this "Savior of the Heavenly Fowl" title. Is this because she hasn't done anything specific to help villagers which has been passed around as gossip, or is it because she's a demi-human? If she does eventually get a title, I wonder what it will be. This week's episode starts off with Naofumi and company hauling a large shipment of herbicides to a nearby town. However, as they get closer they notice large vines covering the land, and a makeshift village encircled by a wall nearby. It turns out that this is the town which was suffering from a famine that Motoyasu, the Spear Hero, "saved" with the magic seed I mentioned last week. And, as we know, that magic seed wasn't actually a blessing, it was a curse, which is why it was sealed away. So, basically Naofumi performs his duty as the Savior of the Heavenly Fowl by curing the sick in the makeshift village, and then the village elder pays him to go reclaim their town from the invasive plants.